Pierre Shale and Shale Stratigraphy

All photos from Sand Creek north of Scenic, SD.

The observed contact of Pierre shale is with alluvial deposits that represent scouring into the Pierre rocks. The upper contact of the Pierre is approximately 150 feet above this scour base.

Fractured Pierre Bedrock Channel Pierre Scour Contact Pierre Scour Contact

Photos of upper Pierre shale in Badlands National Park. This horizon contains an extensive weathering profile and the rocks are golden-yellow and have been weathered into rounded mound shapes. The local reference to the upper Pierre is the 'Yellow Mounds'. Above the Pierre rocks are the lowest two members of the Tertiary White River Group. The Chardon formation, which weathers to green-gray rounded mounds and the overlying Brule formation, which forms steep-sided pinnacles and cliffs.

Yellow Mounds of the upper Pierre shale. Upper Pierre shale, and overlying Chardon and Brule formations.  

Detailed stratigraphic work has been completed in several of the shale units in western South Dakota. Below are a few of the stratigraphic profiles from published works.
Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale Mowry and Belle Fouche shale Greenhorn Limestone